Our commitments

Since 2021, GL events mobilier has been ISO 20121 certified: a daily commitment to reconciling the ephemeral nature of an event with respect for the environment. While our business as a rental company is by its very nature a sustainable activity through the reuse of equipment, we wish to reduce ever more for our environmental and social impact on society.

Giving substance to sustainable actions

Whether it's respect for the environment, employee protection or social development, we're all concerned by our impact on the society of today and tomorrow. So how can we reconcile the ephemeral nature of an event with a CSR approach? Since 2009, GL events has been working on an ambitious program aimed at reducing the impact of its activity, in order to offer more responsible solutions. While our commitment is constantly evolving, given the ecological and economic issues at stake, we are determined to act to support you. Whatever our business, we implement the appropriate tools and practices with a common goal of sustainability.

CSR at the heart of our business activities

Today, GL events Mobilier's Corporate Social Responsibility actions are carried out through 4 major axes, in order to guide the approach: 


  • Waste reduction
  • Reduced CO2 emissions from transport and mobility
  • Lower energy consumption
  • Increase in responsible products and services

Time for certification

In 2021, we have given concrete expression to our commitment by implementing the ISO 20121 standard within GL events Mobilier. This willingness to act is part of the DNA of the GL events group, which already has several certified entities. Thanks to a committed team, our Sustainable Development Policy was born! It is based on 4 themes determined with our employees, customers and stakeholders. 

Each year, a follow-up audit ensures that our requirements are maintained, and enables us to promote continuous improvement in our approach. The aim is to maintain our efforts and go even further in controlling our impact on the environment.

ISO 20121 standard

ISO 20121 is the standard for responsible management systems applied to the event industry. It takes into account the economic, social and environmental aspects of sustainable development. It is a collective project that brings together employees and all stakeholders. 

Our aim is to provide a framework for integrating CSR into our company's management and to structure our global approach using this internationally recognized standard.

Furniture, our raw material

By the very definition of the rental business, GL events Mobilier promotes the rational consumption of its assets. Thanks to an ever more committed purchasing policy and responsible reflexes, we continue to limit our impact by better selecting our resources. Through supplier audits and the implementation of product evaluation grids, we take several criteria into account when choosing our furniture.



  • Prioritizing products made of one material or that can be dismantled to facilitate recycling
  • Considering the use of natural materials like wood
  • Considering alternative materials, such as cardboard
  • Promoting upcycling and the reuse of existing resources


  • Promoting "Made in France" or European production
  • Taking into account the origin and traceability of materials
  • Taking into account labels or certifications


  • Prioritizing "second life" products that can be rehabilitated by our carpet and joinery workshops
  • Prioritizing products that can be dismantled, where parts can be easily replaced 


  • Prioritizing products that use less materials and packaging
  • Taking into account the weight of the furniture, thus reducing CO2 emissions
  • Preferring furniture that can be folded or stacked to reduce storage and transport volumes
  • Reducing the inclusion of toxic substances in the product
  • Prioritizing electrical products that consume less energy


  • Considering products that involve the employment of people on social integration schemes, or with disabilities
  • Taking into account the social commitment of our suppliers (donations to associations)

Go upcycling furniture

Furniture gets a facelift too! Lately, we've decided to extend the life of our must-have seats, rather than throwing them away. How did we do it?


  1. Choice of quality fabric from a European supplier
  2. Selection of trendy colors with our team
  3. Upholstery made by our upholsterers at our Gonesse workshop.
  4. Result: almost 250 Escapade armchairs and 150 Cube footstools have been given a new look.

Our eco-friendly collections

People, driving our actions

Whether as beneficiaries or real players, our teams play a crucial role in realizing our CSR commitments. In addition to major collective projects, our day-to-day actions also convey important messages. Let's combine raising awareness of eco-actions and improving working conditions to reinforce the human aspect of our initiatives.


Equality between men and women

GL events Mobilier is committed to promoting gender equality within the company and its teams. Although our index is incalculable in terms of the pay gap, due to the absence of representativeness across all categories, we must nonetheless specify that we are committed to continuing to cultivate our values, our policy of professional equality, with our employees at every stage, from their recruitment and throughout their professional life within the company.

1.      The pay gap indicator is incalculable

2.      The difference in the rate of individual increases is in favor of women.

3.      The indicator is incalculable, as there are no returns from maternity leave.

4.      The company is continuing its efforts to increase the representation of women in the 10 highest-paid positions.

For the year 2023, GL events Mobilier obtained a score of 45 out of 45 for these 2 calculable indicators.


A secure working environment

The safety and well-being of our employees is a major concern. We are committed to providing appropriate equipment on site to enhance the comfort of our employees, such as appropriate work clothing, lumbar belts, and renewed equipment. For our sedentary employees, we take into account their specific needs, such as access to ergonomic office chairs and dual screens for greater comfort.

What's more, we regularly organize training courses to raise employees' awareness of everyday issues, such as first-aid, eco-driving and CACES training, as well as online conferences on stress management and concentration. Everyone's health and safety is essential to us.

These concrete actions illustrate our commitment to creating a safe and fulfilling working environment for all.

Cadre de travail sécurisé
  • Business expertise

  • Proximity

  • Efficient logistics

  • Digital solution

  • Varied offer
