Gathering of pilgrims

  • 2022
  • Convention

Cultural event


Date : 2022

Lieu : Paray-le-Monial - SAÔNE-ET-LOIRE (71)


The annual rendezvous for Catholic pilgrims in France

The challenges of outdoor design

The pilgrim gathering at Paray-le-Monial is an annual event that attracts thousands of Catholic pilgrims from France and abroad. It usually lasts several days and includes religious celebrations, conferences, times of prayer and moments of personal reflection.

Our furniture solution

Adaptability and comfort

Since 2019, GL events has been supporting the pilgrims' gathering with the installation of the various facilities by mobilizing its furniture and structural expertise.

In fact, over 13,000 m² of structure have been fitted out to accommodate all the participants in the different areas that have been created and furnished: a catering area and a conference area. Here's an overview of the furniture provided :

- White COQUE chairs attached to each other

- Wooden TAVERNE table and benches




Our suggested products

Got a project?

Are you looking for a solution to host a large gathering?

Welcoming the public or a large audience at an event requires real space management, while complying with strict safety standards. Discover our furniture solutions for configuring parterres of chairs and creating real collective spaces.

  • Business expertise

  • Proximity

  • Efficient logistics

  • Digital solution

  • Varied offer
