COP 25

  • Institutional
  • Lounge
  • VIP
  • Convention

Trade fair

: 2019

Place : Madrid - SPAIN | IFEMA - Feria de Madrid

A crucial summit

Furniture for sustainable development

A forum for dialogue and action on climate change 

COP 25 is much more than just an event: it's the global meeting place for all those involved in climate change. Initially scheduled to take place in Chile, COP 25 had to be relocated to Madrid, Europe, due to last-minute socio-political tensions. This situation brought to light unprecedented logistical challenges, which were brilliantly met by GL events.

Thanks to GL events Mobilier's expertise, the show was fitted out and set up in record time, proving its ability to turn logistical challenges into remarkable successes. Despite the unforeseen circumstances, COP 25 in Madrid provided an inspiring and functional setting, conducive to exchanges and crucial decisions for our planet. Bringing together delegations from over 200 countries, it provided an essential platform for meetings and discussions on climate change, with the aim of devising solutions for a sustainable future.


Rental furniture for an eco-friendly event

At COP 25, GL events Mobilier set up several areas to welcome delegations from countries such as Italy, Senegal, Serbia, Thailand and the United Kingdom. Each stand included similar areas, providing an ideal setting for international discussions.

- Public areas: furnished with comfortable, mobile CUBE ottomans.

- Plenaries: dedicated to discussions and presentations, these areas were equipped with stage furniture. These included NEW-ONE and ESCAPADE low armless chair, as well as NYMPHÉA coffee tables.

- Media center and press room: equipped with rows of FORYOU chairs (over 380), these areas welcomed numerous press journalists.

- Meeting areas: featuring high-level furniture such as ATRIA and ABOUT A STOOL stools, and NYMPHÉA high tables.

In this way, GL events was able to offer an environment that encouraged exchanges and facilitated decision-making for the future of our planet.


Our suggested products

Do you have a project?

Are you looking for a solution to equip an international event?

A high point in the life of a company, a sports organization or a large-scale project, an international event often brings people together in specially designed areas. These areas (conferences, conventions, hospitality, media center) must be functional and welcoming, while reflecting the identity of the event.

  • Business expertise

  • Proximity

  • Efficient logistics

  • Digital solution

  • Varied offer
